Pick of the Week: “Getting Started” by James Partington, PhD, BCBA-D

The latest book from James Partington, PhD, BCBA-D, author of the ABLLS®-R and AFLS, Getting Started: Developing Critical Learning Skills is an accessible guide that teaches parents and educators how to develop critical skills for learning in children who have no, or very limited, language skills. Save 15%* this week only on your copy of Getting Started. Just use our promo code GETSTART at check-out to redeem these savings!

Written in non-technical language, Dr. Partington explains how to teach these children how to ask for items they want, imitate actions and vocalizations, attend to actions with objects, and to initiate social interactions.

Getting Started provides evidence-based Applied Behavior Analysis and Verbal Behavior methodology along with critical information on where to start and the procedure involved in teaching these critical learning skills that form an important basic foundation for a child’s overall development.

Step-by-step instructions allow a parent or teacher to implement training and track the child’s acquisition of these important skills. All of the strategies in this book are linked to the skills in the ABLLS®-R. In addition, it provides the reader with strategies to motivate the child to participate in those learning activities as well as identify appropriate goals. This book is printed in soft cover with 260 pages.

Don’t forget to apply our promo code GETSTART at check-out to take 15% off* your order of Getting Started: Developing Critical Learning Skills for Children on the Autism Spectrum.

*Offer is valid until 11:59pm EST on December 9th, 2014. Not compatible with any other offers. Be sure there are no spaces or dashes in your code at check out!

Cyber Monday Savings – Save 20% and more today!

The post-Thanksgiving sale continues! Until tonight, you can receive 20% off your order and $5 flat-rate shipping* (within anywhere in the U.S.). Just apply our promo code CYBER14 when you place your order online or over the phone with us!

CyberMonday Banner

*Valid until 11:59pm EST TONIGHT (12/01/2014). Cannot be combined with any other offer. One-time use only. Flat-rate shipping applies only to U.S. domestic orders. Discount is not valid on Assessment Kits for ABLLS®-R and VB-MAPP (DRK 700-703), multi-packs of VB-MAPP Protocols (DRB 682/683), and the ABA Curriculum for the Common Core Kit: Kindergarten (DRK 055).

Autism Speaks Partners with Simon Malls to Feature a Caring Santa Program

We’re delighted to share that Autism Speaks has partnered up with Simon Property Group, Inc. and the Noerr Programs Corporation to bring children and their families a new Caring Santa programOn Sunday, December 7, 2014, for two hours prior to the mall opening, children with special needs will have the opportunity to meet Santa personally in a sensory-friendly environment set up in 120 different Simon Malls across the country.

Reservations to meet their Caring Santa’s at Simon Malls are going fast, so book your spot today to meet Santa in a fun and sensory-friendly environment at this private event just for families with special needs. For a full list of locations and dates of the Caring Santa event, visit www.simon.com/caring-santa.

Make a Reservation with Caring Santa!

Special Education Students Learn How to Share and Prepare for Thanksgiving

(SGVN/Staff photo by Leo Jarzomb/SWCITY)

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, we thought we would share this wonderful report we came across on learning how to prepare for Thanksgiving festivities at Dexter Middle School in Whittier, CA. With weeks of preparation for their annual tradition, sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders in this school’s special education program learn about manners, responsibility, budgeting at the grocery store, and treating others with respect, especially at the dinner table.

How are you preparing for Thanksgiving with your special student this year? What’s your annual tradition?

Click to read: Thanksgiving comes early for Dexter Middle students

Pick of the Week: What Do You Say… What Do You Do… In the Community?

What Do You Say… What Do You Do… In the Community? is our newly added interactive social skills board game that helps teach and reinforce important social skills children need as they interact with their peers, family members, and community helpers. The social questions in the game are ideal for improving reasoning, inferencing, as well as pragmatic, narrative, and conversational skills. This week only, you can save 15%* on your set of What Do You Say… What Do You Do… In the Community? by using promo code SAYDO at checkout!

What Do You Say…What Do You Do… helps build social and decision-making skills appropriate for a variety of situations. Students move around the colorful community game board and answer social-skills questions. With each correct answer, they collect a token and try to fill a token strip. Students will visit places on the game board common to all communities: doctor’s office, police station, library, fire station, hospital, courthouse, city hall, park, grocery store, restaurants, and more.

The Social Situation Cards target several different settings, and the open-ended questions encourage students to problem-solve and are excellent for role-play. The game includes a foldable 18″ x 18″ Game Board, 144 laminated cardboard Community Tokens, 390 color-coded Community Situation Cards, 6 laminated cardboard Community Characters, 6 Token Strips, and a 6-color Die.

Don’t forget to take 15% off* your set of What Do You Say… What Do You Do… this week only by using promo SAYDO at checkout!

Download our 2014 Holiday Gift Guide today! Find the perfect gift for your special child

Around the holidays, parents often get calls from grandparents, friends and relatives asking for gift ideas for children with special needs. Our 2014 Holiday Gift Guide will make it a bit easier for everyone to find something special for the special child in their life. Our trusted consultant Sam Blanco, MSEd, BCBA has put together some of her favorites that are sure to bring delight. From our Different Roads family to yours, we wish you all the joy and happiness of the season.

Holiday Gift Guide


AND we’re slashing the prices of the toys and games in our Holiday Gift Guide, so be sure to apply or mention our promo code GIFT14 to save 15%* on these featured products!


6 Tips for Preparing for a Smooth Thanksgiving Celebration

Holidays can be challenging for everyone in the family. Your to-do lists get longer, your routines are switched around, and all the little stresses can be especially difficult for your child with autism. Here are a few tips to ease the difficulties related to Thanksgiving.

Tell. Prepare your child for who and what they will see at Thanksgiving. This may include creating a social story or showing photos of people your child does not know or see often.

Help. When possible, have your child help out. This may include prep activities such as helping with decorations or measuring ingredients for a recipe, but it could also include giving your child a job, such as answering the front door or setting the table.

Access. Be sure your child has access to foods he or she will eat and to a designated quiet space for breaks. It’s helpful if other guests or family members understand where this space is and its purpose.

Notify. Inform guests who aren’t familiar with your child or with autism about what to expect and how to best interact with your child.

Keep it fun. Add in a couple of activities during the day that you know your child really knows. This may include family games or traditions.

Schedule. Provide a schedule of the day’s events for your child so they will know what to expect. This can include a visual schedule or a written schedule.

Lastly, remind your child why you are thankful for them and enjoy your holiday!

Join us at the Long Island Behavior Analysis Conference with Keynotes Dr. Mark Sundberg and Dr. Patrick Friman: December 5, 2015

December 5th, 2014

We are so excited to be a part of this upcoming Long Island Behavior Analysis Conference! The conference will be held at the Long Island Marriott in Uniondale, New York. Registration information can be found here.

With keynote speakers Mark Sundberg, PhD, BCBA-D and Patrick Friman, PhD, ABPP, this 2-day conference will be a great opportunity to hear about what is going on in the field of ABA. Sessions include “Teaching Language and Social Skills in a Child’s Natural Environment”, “The Role of Play in ABA Programs: Analysis, Assessment, and Intervention” and “That’s Not What I Recommended! Merging Treatment Integrity with Reality to Support Caregivers with Behavioral Recommendations in the Home.”

Come say hi! We will have a table at the conference, where we will be selling the VB-MAPP, Teaching Language to Children With Autism, ABA Curriculum for the Common Core: Kindergarten, and a number of our other favorite titles and products – all at discounted prices!

This conference is geared towards ABA professionals, with Type 2 CEU’s available. There is also an alternative track for parents interested in attending.

For more information, visit the ELIJA website here.

Pick of the Week: “I Feel Angry When…” – A Social Skills Game to Teach How to Express & Respond to Anger

I Feel Angry When… teaches children the important skills of learning how to express their anger in a nonthreatening way, and to respond in positive ways when they feel angry. This week, we’re giving you 15% off* your order of the I Feel Angry When… game by applying our promo code IFEEL at checkout!

With this game, kids learn how to use I-Messages – a verbal template that offers a way to communicate how you feel and what you want without offending others. This method, when combined with basic anger control strategies, gives children an opportunity to express their anger in a calm way without resorting to aggression.

As they respond to anger-provoking situations described on game cards, players learn how to use I-Messages to communicate their feelings. They also learn 12 anger control strategies that help them retain their composure in the moment anger erupts. Simple and straightforward, this game gives children the skills they need to keep their cool. The game comes with 2 Anger Control Spinners (one for ages 6–9 and one for 10–12), 1 I-Message Guide Cards, 200 Reward Chips, 54 Situation Cards, and 6 “Tell Me About It” Cards. This game is recommended for children ages 6 to 12.

Don’t forget to use promo code IFEEL at checkout this week to save 15%* on your set of I Feel Angry When…!

*Offer is valid until 11:59pm EST on November 25th, 2014. Not compatible with any other offers. Be sure there are no spaces or dashes in your code at check out!

Different Roads to Learning Celebrates the Release of the “ABA Curriculum for the Common Core: Kindergarten”

We’ve just wrapped up a successful event in celebration of BCBA Sam Blanco’s newly released ABA Curriculum for the Common Core for Kindergarten. We couldn’t be more grateful and proud of the work that Sam has accomplished in creating this robust and one-of-a-kind curriculum kit with us. We’d like to thank all of the educators, professionals, parents, and friends again who joined us this past Wednesday.

The ABA Curriculum for the Common Core Kit: Kindergarten and other raffle prizes. (Masao Katagami)









Guests had the opportunity to connect with each other over an autumnal arrangement of hors d’oeuvres, delicious sushi, baked sweets, and wine, while looking through all the materials and components of the ABA Curriculum for the Common Core Kit. A special raffle was also held, during which guests had the chance to try their luck at winning any of the 4 raffle prizes: one Language Builder set and the Curriculum Book for the ABA Curriculum for the Common Core, one Time Timer PLUS and the curriculum book, the What the Heck Does That Mean?! Idioms Game, and last but not least, the entire kit for the ABA Curriculum for the Common Core: Kindergarten. Congratulations to the raffle winners  Alicia, Meaghan, Linda  and of course, the big winner of the kit, Debbie!

Party attendees mingle over food and the ABA Curriculum for the Common Core Kit: Kindergarten. (Masao Katagami)


Sam Blanco, MSED, BCBA tells guests about the curriculum and kit. (Masao Katagami)

View all of the event photos on our Facebook page here.

For more information about the ABA Curriculum for the Common Core Kit: Kindergarten, please email info@difflearn.com. Requests to arrange a demonstration or training with the curriculum kit can be directed to Abigail at (212) 604-9637 or abigail@difflearn.com.